Crystal Reports, Cross tab

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I am not getting correct results on Google as I am not able to put correct keywords for my query. Same applies for Stackoverflow too. So I am putting in my question.

In report footer of crystal reports, I am using cross tab. I am expecting output as shown below,

             | Count of units    |      Rent
Unit Type A  |      10           |     sum of rent of all units under unit type A
Unit Type B  |      20           |     sum of rent of all units under unit type B

So far I was able to achieve as shown below but that is not helping,

             |Count of units       |   Rent
Unit Type A  |      10             |  sum of rent of UT A
             | sum of rent of UT A |  10
Unit Type B  |      20             |  sum of rent of UT B
             | sum of rent of UT B |  20

Is it possible to achieve what I am expecting through cross-tab? If not, any other solutions? Thanks in advance for all your Help!


There are 1 answers

campagnolo_1 On

To answer your question: Yes, it is possible to achieve what you are trying to do. The easiest way is to have one row (unit type) and two summarized fields (count of units, sum of rent. No Columns. You will need to customize the label.

Hope that helps,
