I needed to create an event in another class, so I've used an EventHandler and this works fine, however now in my main class form, when I try to use any controls I get:
Cross-thread operation not valid
So after researching I can Invoke:
tbMessage.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(500, 60);
However if I do this all over the form, there would be loads of instances, where, I'm moving, resizing, changing text for loads of controls. This doesn't seem right, there must be something to do with using the EventHandle that I don't know about. These errors didn't occur before moving some code out into new class and using task and events.
I am unsubscribing from the event after finished with and before
dvm.VoltageSet -= dvmVoltageSet;
Any ideas please?
I am using a background worker to update UI, whilst receiving serial commands in Form1. In another class I am using Task.Run to set voltage + read voltage whilst I'm not at set voltage. Then I'm using EventHandler to send an event to Form1 so it know's the voltage had been set before proceeding to next step.
I can now see that I have two Windows.Forms threads, which is causing my error. This appears to be happening when I call a method in another class, when it causes an event in form1 and I try to use a control, it then starts a new thread.
Not Flagged > 4432 8 Worker Thread Worker Thread System.Windows.Forms.dll!System.Windows.Forms.Control.Handle.get Normal
[External Code]
TestSensor.exe!TestSensor.Form1.TestLvdtNull() Line 3113
TestSensor.exe!TestSensor.Form1.dvmVoltageSet(object sender, VoltageEventArgs e) Line 414
TestSensor.exe!TestSensor.DVMLoopRunner.OnNewVoltageSet(VoltageEventArgs e) Line 71
TestSensor.exe!TestSensor.DVMLoopRunner.NewSet.set(bool value) Line 57
TestSensor.exe!TestSensor.DVMLoopRunner.AdjustVoltage() Line 295
TestSensor.exe!TestSensor.DVMLoopRunner.Form1_DVMReadingAvailable(object sender, TestSensor.DVMLoopRunner.DVMReadingAvailableEventArgs e) Line 147
TestSensor.exe!TestSensor.DVMLoopRunner.ReadDVM() Line 192
TestSensor.exe!TestSensor.DVMLoopRunner.ReadDVMWorker() Line 173
TestSensor.exe!TestSensor.DVMLoopRunner.SetVoltage.AnonymousMethod__49_0() Line 95
[External Code]
Not Flagged 6768 1 Main Thread Main Thread System.Windows.Forms.dll!System.Windows.Forms.Application.ComponentManager.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponentManager.FPushMessageLoop Normal
[External Code]
TestSensor.exe!TestSensor.Program.Main() Line 17
Not Flagged 11048 0 Worker Thread <No Name> Normal
Not Flagged 668 4 Worker Thread <No Name> System.dll!System.IO.Ports.SerialStream.EventLoopRunner.WaitForCommEvent Normal
Not Flagged 5888 5 Worker Thread <No Name> System.dll!System.IO.Ports.SerialStream.EventLoopRunner.WaitForCommEvent Normal
Not Flagged 12968 0 Worker Thread <No Name> Normal
Not Flagged 11924 6 Worker Thread Worker Thread Normal
Is it possible to tell the compiler to carry on using the existing Forms thread and not start a new one?