Cropper.JS uploading file size issue

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I am facing issue while using Cropper.JS to upload and crop the images. Suppose I am uploading 70 kb file after using cropper tool it's size get increased and is 115KB and sometime it's also converting to MB's for some other file sizes.


There are 2 answers

Puneet Uppal On

From my understanding you should have to use newer version of cropper.

Jcdev On

If you are facing to size of cropped image problem, you can transform the cropped image to base64 and compress it by using the following code snippet (angular-cropperjs)

this.angularCropper.cropper.getCroppedCanvas().toDataURL('image/jpeg', (20 / 100));

Play with the second parameter of toDataURL() method to adjust ratio compression.

You can find more information here.