When i tried to create another type of an entity record in the post update plugin stage I have gotten "Changing security attributes is not allowed in stage 20 plugins" error. Its working fine in Dynamics CRM 2013 SP1 CRM. After update CRM 2013 to CRM 2015 i got this error
CRM 2015 update - plugin error - 'Changing security attributes is not allowed in stage 20 plugins'
3.7k views Asked by user1662380 At
There are 3 answers

Some of you might get this error in the plugin steps when an organization is being migrated to CRM 2015. Cause:
- You change the ownership of the record in the record Pre-creation
- Most solutions out there say about change the plugin to Post-operation stage, but this don't make sense for some of the actions/checks that your plugin could do.
- So, what you could do is to check the pipeline stage before you run the assignment operation. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg327941.aspx#bkmk_PipelineStages
Sample code:
//Runs on the Pre-Validation step, when a Contact is created
if (context.Stage == 10)
if (!targetEntity.Attributes.Contains("parentcustomerid"))
throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("Message to show....");
var accountOwner = (from a in orgServiceContext.AccountSet
where a.Id == targetContact.ParentCustomerId.Id
select a).Single();
targetEntity.Attributes["ownerid"] = new EntityReference("team", accountOwner.OwnerId.Id);
targetEntity.Attributes["owningbusinessunit"] = new EntityReference("businessunit", accountOwner.OwningBusinessUnit.Id);
throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("Message to show...");
Found another solution: Move your plugin step to Pre-Validation.
Remove unwanted attribute from plugin images.only select attribute that you need in the plugin.You can set it when you registering plugin(don't tick all attributes check box).remove security related attribute(owner, modified by, created on)