Credit card payments via PayPal REST API without being PCI-compliant

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Can't understand which PayPal API to use.

I have Rails app and I'd like to accept credit card recurring payments via PayPal. At first I was thinking to use Express Checkout API that supports recurring billing and can work even if a user doesn't have PayPal account. But then I saw that their official ruby gem merchant-sdk-ruby will be deprecated:

This Classic SDK is not actively supported and will be deprecated in the future. For full support on new integrations, please use the Ruby Rest SDK

So I don't want to use something that will be deprecated soon. But I can't understand whether I can use REST API to accept credit cards without being PCI-compliant.

I'd like to redirect user to PayPal where he could enter his credit card info and return back to my site like in Express Checkout, but I see only examples where credit card info is collected on my site and passed to PayPal via API that implies more security headache on my site.

UPD: I found some information regarding this question in Accept a PayPal payment section of REST API documentation that is a bit odd because I expected to find it in Accept credit card payments section. They say:

Important: To receive Guest Checkout payments, which allow credit cards, ensure that PayPal Account Optional is enabled on your account settings. For example, here is the path for US accounts: Profile > My selling tools > Website preferences > PayPal Account Optional

But I'm still not sure whether it will work in my case. Now I have the following question:

  1. Can I use Guest Checkout feature to accept recurring payments?
  2. Can I test Guest Checkout in Sandbox? And if I can what credit card number to use?
  3. Can I show by default form for entering credit card info when user gets to the PayPal site rather than for entering PayPal credentials?

Ughh... why it is so complicated?


There are 2 answers

seph On

Railscast #289 is on this. It requires that you sign up for the pro version. Looks pretty involved but he walks you through it.

Jay Patel - PayPal On

There are couple of samples in PHP code, that could help you understand recurring payment options in REST API.

Or you could follow up the docs on :

  1. I will look into this specifically and get back to you
  2. For trying it out on sandbox, you can create an account here at You need to create an app, and it would generate a valid credit card for you.
  3. This may be very unlikely to do, but I can ask the internal team if they know of any such option.