A novice question about abstraction and constructors. I feel like I'm missing something obvious.
I have an abstract class Piece, this is the constructor:
public abstract class Piece {
private int[] location = new int[2];
private final char color;
public Piece(char color, int[] location) {
this.location = location;
this.color = color;
I have a class which extends Piece:
public class Bishop extends Piece{
public Bishop(char color, int[] location) {
super(color, location);
And I am trying to test it. However, the following code gives the errors illegal start of expression, illegal start of type, missing ';'
public class testing {
Piece blackBishop = new Bishop('b', {0,0});
All these files are in the same package. After searching for a solution for hours I have decided to ask for help. Please let me know what I have done incorrectly.
can only be used by itself when you declare an int array variable (int[] var = {0,0};