Creating Release build of dojo to a custom folder

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I need to create a release build of Dojo. I'm able to do that using the profile that I created. The release build is getting generated inside release folder of Dojo source. Is it possible to move that to a custom folder? Can you please let me know? I'm trying to do this using my ANT script.

<java fork="true" dir="${shrinksafe.util.path}/buildscripts" classname="">
<arg value="build.js" />
<arg line="releaseDir={}/apac/html profile=test_dojo action=clean,release version=1.3.2test_v1.0 releaseName=test_dojo cssOptimize=comments copyTests=false cssImportIgnore=layout/SplitContainer.css" />
<pathelement location="${shrinksafe.util.path}/shrinksafe/js.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${shrinksafe.util.path}/shrinksafe/shrinksafe.jar"/>
<pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>

There are 3 answers

Juan Picado On BEST ANSWER

This is my example and works fine.

<java fork="true"
       <pathelement location="../dojo/util/shrinksafe/js.jar"/>
       <pathelement location="../dojo/util/shrinksafe/shrinksafe.jar"/>
    <jvmarg value="-Xmx512M"/>
        <arg value="build.js"/>
        <arg value="version=1.6.0"/>
        <arg value="profileFile=${basedir}/src/main/webapp/resource/js/encuestame.profile.js"/>
        <arg value="action=clean,release"/>
        <arg value="releaseDir=${}/dojo-compiled"/>
        <arg value="optimize=shrinksafe"/>
        <arg value="layerOptimize=shrinksafe"/>
        <arg value="cssOptimize=comments"/>
        <arg value="mini=true"/>

Code inside pom file, line 276 ANT Code inside pom.xml

hugomg On

You can pass a releaseDir=PATH_TO_THE_DIR command line option when building.

Dandy On

The releaseDir property should be a path relative to util/buildscripts directory. So it cannot accept parameters like ${}. You need to give a relative path like ../../dojoBuild