I'm still learning the basics of powershell, but I have come across an issue I can't seem to resolve as I just don't have enough knowledge.
I'm creating a script to do user profile migrations and I want the code to gather profiles from the local machine, convert the SID back to usernames and list them in a drop down box (which works), but only lists one user. I have this:
$Profiles = gwmi -Class Win32_UserProfile -Filter ("Special = False")
$output = foreach ($Profile in $Profiles)
$objSID = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($profile.sid)
$objuser = $objsid.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount])
$objusername = $objuser.value
$objusername = $profile.sid
Write-Host $objuser.value
$array = @($objuser)
Any ideas?
It appears that you're overwriting the contents of $array on each iteration of your
loop. Instead, append to it.But I may be wrong. You've pasted only part of your script here (the braces for
aren't balanced, and we have no insight into how that drop-down list is being populated), so there may be something later on that's messing you up.