i need to make manipulation on excel file and create few complex pivot tables(using filters) using openxml. additionaly if someone know if its posible to use the BMC control-m on the batch application?
i tried implementing in sheet2 the pivot table but it keeps staying empty without pivot table
PivotTableDefinition abc = GeneratePivotTablePart1();
SheetData xlPivotSheetData = new SheetData(abc);
WorksheetPart worksheetPart2 = workbookpart.AddNewPart<WorksheetPart>();
Worksheet worksheet2 = new Worksheet();
worksheetPart2.Worksheet = worksheet2;
//package.WorkbookPart.Workbook.AppendChild(new Sheets()
//package.WorkbookPart.Workbook.GetFirstChild<Sheets>().AppendChild(new Sheet() //= abc;
Sheet sheet2 = new Sheet()
Id = app.WorkbookPart.GetIdOfPart(worksheetPart2),//package.WorkbookPart.WorksheetParts.First()),
SheetId = 2,
Name = "PivotTable"
this part is the function creating the pivot table
private static PivotTableDefinition GeneratePivotTablePart1()
var element =
new PivotTableDefinition(
new Location()
Reference = "DataSource!A1:D5",
FirstHeaderRow = (UInt32Value)1U,
FirstDataRow = (UInt32Value)2U,
FirstDataColumn = (UInt32Value)1U
new PivotFields(
new PivotField(
new Items(
new Item() { Index = (UInt32Value)0U },
new Item() { Index = (UInt32Value)1U },
new Item() { ItemType = ItemValues.Default }
{ Count = (UInt32Value)3U }
Axis = PivotTableAxisValues.AxisRow,
ShowAll = false
new PivotField()
DataField = true,
ShowAll = false
new PivotField(
new Items(
new Item() { Index = (UInt32Value)0U },
new Item() { Index = (UInt32Value)1U },
new Item() { ItemType = ItemValues.Default }
{ Count = (UInt32Value)3U }
Axis = PivotTableAxisValues.AxisColumn,
ShowAll = false
new PivotField() { ShowAll = false },
new PivotField() { ShowAll = false }
{ Count = (UInt32Value)5U },
new RowFields(
new Field() { Index = 0 }
{ Count = (UInt32Value)1U },
new RowItems(
new RowItem(
new MemberPropertyIndex()),
new RowItem(
new MemberPropertyIndex() { Val = 1 }),
new RowItem(
new MemberPropertyIndex()
{ ItemType = ItemValues.Grand }
{ Count = (UInt32Value)3U },
new ColumnFields(
new Field() { Index = 2 }
{ Count = (UInt32Value)1U },
new ColumnItems(
new RowItem(
new MemberPropertyIndex()),
new RowItem(
new MemberPropertyIndex() { Val = 1 }),
new RowItem(
new MemberPropertyIndex()
{ ItemType = ItemValues.Grand }
{ Count = (UInt32Value)3U },
new DataFields(
new DataField()
Name = "Sales by Country and Period",
Field = (UInt32Value)1U,
BaseField = 0,
BaseItem = (UInt32Value)0U,
NumberFormatId = (UInt32Value)44U
{ Count = (UInt32Value)1U },
new Formats(
new Format(
new PivotArea()
Outline = false,
CollapsedLevelsAreSubtotals = true,
FieldPosition = (UInt32Value)0U
{ FormatId = (UInt32Value)1U }
{ Count = (UInt32Value)1U },
new PivotTableStyle()
Name = "PivotStyleLight16",
ShowRowHeaders = true,
ShowColumnHeaders = true,
ShowRowStripes = false,
ShowColumnStripes = false,
ShowLastColumn = true
Name = "PivotTable11",
CacheId = (UInt32Value)57U,
ApplyNumberFormats = false,
ApplyBorderFormats = false,
ApplyFontFormats = false,
ApplyPatternFormats = false,
ApplyAlignmentFormats = false,
ApplyWidthHeightFormats = true,
DataCaption = "Values",
UpdatedVersion = 3,
MinRefreshableVersion = 3,
ShowCalculatedMembers = false,
UseAutoFormatting = true,
ItemPrintTitles = true,
CreatedVersion = 3,
Indent = (UInt32Value)0U,
Outline = true,
OutlineData = true,
MultipleFieldFilters = false,
RowHeaderCaption = "Countries",
ColumnHeaderCaption = "Periods",
FieldListSortAscending = true
return element;