Here is my unit test. Somehow when I create instantiate SpannableStringBuilder instance with a non-null string argument, it appears to be null. What's wrong with this code?
public class CardNumberTextWatcherTest {
private CardNumberTextWatcher watcher;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
watcher = new CardNumberTextWatcher();
public void afterTextChanged_cardNumberDividedWithSpaces() {
assertTransformText("1111222233334444", "1111 2222 3333 4444");
private void assertTransformText(final String testStr,
final String expectedStr) {
final CardNumberTextWatcher watcher = new CardNumberTextWatcher();
final Editable actualStr = new SpannableStringBuilder(testStr);
// When I debug I see that actualStr value is null. Therefore test
//doesn't pass. What's the problem?
assertEquals(expectedStr, actualStr.toString());
The problem was in the testing directory. As soon as
is a part of Android SDK, it couldn't be resolved in regular JUnit test directory. When I moved my class to androidTest directory, everything started to work as expected.