Creating New iOS Build Target with Xcodeproj

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I am trying to create a new iPhone build target pragmatically with the Ruby gem Xcodeproj. Between my lack of Ruby knowlege and the poor documentation with Xcodeproj, am facing some issues. Here is my code:

require 'rubygems'
require 'xcodeproj'

#get target name from args
scheme_name = ARGV[0]
iosProjectDir = ARGV[1]

# Open the existing Xcode project
project_file = iosProjectDir + '/UserApp.xcodeproj'
project =

#Add the target to the project. Are these parameters correct?
app_target = project.new_target(:application, scheme_name, :ios, "8.0")

# Save the project file

When I run this code, a new scheme is made in the XCode project. However, it corrupts all my other build targets and almost all of the projects files disappear. I have to revert the project to get them back. Could this code be corrupting the iOS project?

The only documentation I have found regararding adding a new target is here. I am a bit confused by the optional variable product_group.

Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong here? I am also open to other methods of adding the target progmatically.


There are 2 answers

Scott McKenzie On

I can't say why yours doesn't work, but I was able to achieve this with:

require 'xcodeproj'

project_name = "Test"
project_path = "./Test.xcodeproj"

project =

project.new_target(:application, "Test", :ios, "8.0")

Which makes me think it could be the use of ARGV to input the scheme name or not saving before creation.

Let me know how you get along. :)

trusk On

Ok, got it to work

require 'rubygems'
require 'xcodeproj'

#get target name from args
scheme_name = ARGV[0]
iosProjectDir = ARGV[1]
iosProjName = ARGV[2]

# Open the existing Xcode project
project_file = iosProjName + '.xcodeproj'
project =

#Add the target to the project. Are these parameters correct?
app_target = project.new_target(:application, scheme_name, :ios, "11.0")

# Save the project file

So the issue was and not