Let's say I want to set up a validation contract for addresses, but then I also want to set up a validator for users, and for coffee shops; both of which include an address, is it possible to re-use the AddressContract
in UserContract
and CoffeeShopContract
For example, the data I want to validate might look like:
# Address
"first_line": "100 Main street",
"zipcode": "12345",
# User
"first_name": "Joe",
"last_name": "Bloggs",
"address:" {
"first_line": "123 Boulevard",
"zipcode": "12346",
# Coffee Shop
"shop": "Central Perk",
"floor_space": "2000sqm",
"address:" {
"first_line": "126 Boulevard",
"zipcode": "12347",
Yes you can reuse schemas (See: Reusing Schemas)
It would look something like this:
Alternatively you can create schema mixins as well e.g.