Creating Library Playlist using Apple Music API and getting 400 - Bad Request?

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As per this documentation shared link below,

I'm able to get developer token and music user token but I am getting error for 'Invalid Request Body' (400 Bad Request).

This is the function that I'm using to create apple music playlist.

func createAppleMusicPlaylist() {
    let playlistURL = URL(string: Config.appleCreatePlaylist)!
    var playlistRequest = URLRequest(url: playlistURL)
    playlistRequest.httpMethod = "POST"
    let params = ["name"        : kPlaylistName,
                  "description" : kPlaylistDesc]

    playlistRequest.httpBody = try? params, options: .prettyPrinted)
    playlistRequest.addValue("Bearer \(DeveloperToken)", forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")
    playlistRequest.addValue("\(UserToken)", forHTTPHeaderField: "Music-User-Token")
    URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: playlistRequest) { data, response, error in
        guard error == nil else {
            print("\(String(describing: error?.localizedDescription))")
        if let data = data {
            let json = try? JSONDecoder().decode(AppleCreatePlaylistModel.self, from: data)


API Response:

    "errors": [
            "id": "X4IK3UU6LYGGRSQ6U2KQANL63A",
            "title": "Invalid Request Body",
            "detail": "Unable to parse request body",
            "status": "400",
            "code": "40007"

Please suggest required body parameters. Thanks!


There are 1 answers

Larme On

You need to follow the API documentation, Create a New Library Playlist, and follow the HTTP Body part that causing issue in your case.

HTTP Body LibraryPlaylistCreationRequest The POST request containing the name, tracks and parent playlist folder for the playlist to be added.

Now, let's check LibraryPlaylistCreationRequest:


  • attributes
    A dictionary that includes strings for the name and description of the new playlist.
  • relationships
    An optional key including tracks for the new playlist.

So, body should like this, at this point:

    "attributes": ...,    //Required
    "relationships": ...  //Optional

Let's see now LibraryPlaylistCreationRequest.Attributes:


  • description
    The description of the playlist.
  • name
    (Required) The name of the playlist.description

So, now, the JSON should look like this (I skipped the relationships part since you don't use it):

    "attributes": {
        "name": "playlist name",
        "description": "playlist description"