Creating a ticket in VMWare using PowerCLI when free storage in datastore is too less

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I am able to get the free space as ouptut by using the following code.

$body +=echo "------------Free space on Datastore.--------------"`r`n""`r`n""
$body +=get-datastore -name *datastore1* | sort Name | ForEach-Object {
    $output=New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
        Freespace = "$([math]::Round($_.FreeSpaceGB, 2)) GB"
        Datastore_Name = $_.Name
    Write-Output $output

Is it possible to raise a ticket if the free space is less than 2 GB? If so, how should I change my code?


There are 1 answers

user3520245 On


if (get-datastore | where {$_.FreeSpaceGB -lt 2}){"dosomething"}


foreach ($ds in (get-datastore | where {$_.FreeSpaceGB -lt 2})){"dosomething"}