When I try to create a new virtual environment using pypy3 as the base interpreter I get this error in PyCharm:
I'm using a MacOS sierra on a 64-bit MacBook pro late-2015 with PyCharm 2016.3
Executed Command:
/Applications/PyCharm CE.app/Contents/helpers/packaging_tool.py list
Command Output:
dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libpypy-c.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/3228991/.virtualenvs/pypy3_venv/bin/python
Reason: image not found
Means that your program is using a dynamic library called libpypy-c.dylib, although you linked your dynamic library to your program during compiling. But you have to tell your program where is the dylib in run-time in Pycharm.
Set up dynamic library environment variables for your project:
1.Run/Edit Configurations
2.Click Python, below the "Before Launch" click the "+" button
3.Put DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to Name box
4.Put the path where your libpypy-c.dylib file is in Program box