I have a translation app that helps people to learn a language and play games to check their learning. The app already has a navigation drawer but it appears under the action bar with items.
I want to change the navigation drawer to make it appear over the action bar. Very much preferred that the navigation drawer has a google play store style header.
I have tried many solutions but I am not able to get it done. Here are some examples :
[1]Android Navigation Drawer on top ActionBar 1st and 2nd solutions have been tried.
[2]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDYPgS0BM8c&feature=youtu.be Have stopped after changing styles.xml as the action bar does not disappear or errors appear. - Is it possible that I also have to change color.xml
I would use the new Toolbar instead of ActionBar. Checkout this tutorial: http://www.android4devs.com/2014/12/how-to-make-material-design-navigation-drawer.html
The important part is that you have to put the toolbar inside the DrawerLayout as seen here (activity_main.xml):
To use the toolbar: