I am trying to create a basic calling app on Android with PortSip but get an error from the setUser method (error -60098: CreateTransportFailure). I think I've followed all the steps as their sample app, and I've used the same credentials that work with the sample app. I've tried using a different local port (as suggested in another post), but haven't had any success. These are my steps:
context = this.getApplicationContext();
callingSDK = new PortSipSdk();
int initStatus = callingSDK.initialize(PortSipEnumDefine.ENUM_TRANSPORT_UDP,
"", 5771, PortSipEnumDefine.ENUM_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, LogPath, 200,
"PortSIP VoIP Calling App", 0, 0, "", "", false);
// initialize returns ECoreErrorNone
int licenseStatus = callingSDK.setLicenseKey("PORTSIP_TEST_LICENSE");
// setLicenseKey return ECoreTrialVersionLicenseKey, as expected
int userStatus = callingSDK.setUser(accountName, displayName, authName, password,
domain, server, 5060, "", 0, null, 5060);
Apparently, another factor in this error condition is assuring the app that the appropriate permissions. Adding these to the manifest gets past the issue with setUser.