CreateProcess windows API stores excel in Documents folder

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I am working on a legacy application which calls CreateProcess method

        BOOL bResult = ::CreateProcess(
        NULL,               // LPCTSTR    
        wctAppPath,         // LPTSTR      lpszCommandLine
        NULL,               // LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpsaProc
        NULL,               // LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpsaThread
        FALSE,              // BOOL                  fInheritHandles
        NULL,               // DWORD                 fdwCreate
        NULL,               // LPVOID                lpvEnvironment
        NULL,               // LPCTSTR               lpszCurDir
        &stStatusInfo,      // LPSTARTUPINFO         lpsiStartInfo
        &stProcInfo         // LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lppiProcInfo

wctAppPath value : (folderPath\test.bat ..\excel.xls) this CreateProcess trigger bat file that will launch vbscript and passed excel file is modified.

Once this method1() ends, they are calling CreateProcess() again in method2() to open the same excel file.

  BOOL bResult = ::CreateProcess(
        NULL,               // LPCTSTR    
        wctAppPath,         // LPTSTR      
        NULL,               // LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpsaProc
        NULL,               // LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpsaThread
        FALSE,              // BOOL                  fInheritHandles
        NULL,               // DWORD                 fdwCreate
        NULL,               // LPVOID                lpvEnvironment
        NULL,               // LPCTSTR               lpszCurDir
        &stStatusInfo,      // LPSTARTUPINFO         lpsiStartInfo
        &stProcInfo         // LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lppiProcInfo

Here wctAppPath is (excelInstallationPath\EXCEL.exe folderPath\excelFile.xls)

Once all the main function ends, the required modified excel in stored in Documents folder not in the actual given path. Actual given excel is not modified at all.

I have commented the method2 and tried. Expected excel appears in given path.


There are 1 answers

usmanharoon On BEST ANSWER

Legacy application is CATIA. In V5, CATScriptUtilities::ExecuteScript is used to call catvba. In V6, we can use the same API to call catvba. It works fine. There is no need to call .bat->.vba->.catvba