Created the formula but now have to break it up into years; there is a years column in original data seat with header for years

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As title suggests, I created a result with a formula but now need to break it up into having the formula run for every "owner" but seperate the formula into years. I have the dates 2010-2019. Here is the code

SELECT * FROM finaltab;

Select finaltab.OWNER as OWNER, SUM(finaltab.shares) AS SSUM FROM finaltab WHERE trancode='S' GROUP BY OWNER Order by year; Select finaltab.OWNER as OWNER, SUM(finaltab.shares) AS PSUM FROM finaltab WHERE trancode='P' GROUP BY OWNER Order by year;

SELECT finaltab.OWNER, SSUM, PSUM FROM (SELECT finaltab.OWNER AS OWNER, SUM(finaltab.shares) AS SSUM FROM finaltab WHERE trancode='S' GROUP BY OWNER) AS STable INNER JOIN (SELECT finaltab.OWNER AS OWNER, SUM(finaltab.shares) AS PSUM FROM finaltab WHERE trancode='P' GROUP BY OWNER) aS PTable ON (Stable.owner = Ptable.owner);

SELECT STable.OWNER, SSUM, PSUM, (PSUM - SSUM) / (PSUM + SSUM) as "IOF" FROM (SELECT finaltab.OWNER as OWNER, SUM(finaltab.shares) AS SSUM From finaltab WHERE trancode='S' GROUP BY OWNER) AS STable INNER JOIN (SELECT finaltab.OWNER as OWNER, SUM(finaltab.shares) AS PSUM From finaltab WHERE trancode='P' GROUP BY OWNER) AS PTable ON (STable.OWNER = PTable.OWNER);

Here is the table. Also I would like some direction on if I want to take the "IOF" or formula and implement it into a formula with absolute value for the "IOF" in the numerator. Thank you [1]:


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