I have a RecyclerView of Top 10 users in my app. I populate it with a cursor that reads from a SQL VIEW in sql that aggregates from different tables that are related by foreign keys. I'd like to re write the SQLite boiler plate to use the new Room library. However, I do not know how a SQL VIEW is to be implemented in Room. DAO seems to be only for entities(tables), or perhaps I'm just missing something.
CREATE VIEW equivalent in new Room persistence library
1.7k views Asked by flopshot At
There are 2 answers

Starting with 2.1.0-alpha01
version of Room library, you can define @DatabaseView
s that internally make use SQLite of VIEW
From 2.1.0-alpha02
you can even use them for fields annotated with @Relation
@DatabaseView("SELECT user.id, user.name, user.departmentId," +
"department.name AS departmentName FROM user " +
"INNER JOIN department ON user.departmentId = department.id")
data class UserDetail(
val id: Long,
val name: String?,
val departmentId: Long,
val departmentName: String?
Example extracted from https://developer.android.com/training/data-storage/room/creating-views
You can also use POJOs that join multiple tables from a DAO. From the Room documentation:
This also works fine with the aggregation functions.