Create soap web service client from wsdl with no contract methods

1.7k views Asked by At

I'm stumped, probably because of not understanding something about soap services. When I create a service reference to the current public x12 health document submission service interface:

I get some classes that define what the body of the soap message can be, but I can't get a client proxy generated.

I would like to build my client with WCF, but in every example I find, they have an existing contract to generate a proxy. I don't have that luxury. The functions for the service are called via soap action.

I can manually generate the call with code similar to this post but the call is always rejected because the 'nonce is expired'.

The examples for WCF all have a nice contract in their WSDL so it seems simple, but it's useless code as I can't create any interface (automajically). For example, Rick Strahl's blog post answers many questions and seems great if you have a contract message to call. I would like to follow his approach but am stumped on creating the client (properly)!

So, I can build a legacy soap client with WSE 3, with guidance here from MSDN but aren't we supposed to use WCF now? Even the post tags here say WSE is a last resort option.

Am I missing something about creating the client proxy?

So my question boils down to this: How can I create the web service client proxy for a soap service with no contracts in WCF?

Maybe I'm not understanding something about calling soap services, and could really use some help.

[EDIT: another thought - might I make my own manually built contract and thus generate a proxy with that? Not sure of the effect on XML output to the soap web, would the call look normal]


There are 1 answers

polacekpavel On BEST ANSWER

You can check my sample project for this wsdl

Or you can use ChannelFactory for that Assume you have this interface - change it to the real one.

public interface IMathService
    int Add(int a,int b);

then you can call it at runtime with custom configuration of ABC(address,binding,contract)

   //define binding 
    //assume your binding using basicHttp, change it if you are using something else
    BasicHttpBinding myBinding = new BasicHttpBinding();           

    //define endpoint url (where service is deployed)
    EndpointAddress myEndpoint = new EndpointAddress("http://localhost:11234/MathService.svc"); //change to real endpoint 

    //Use channel factory instead of generated one
    ChannelFactory<IMathservice> myChannelFactory = new ChannelFactory<IMathservice>(myBinding, myEndpoint); //Change to you WCF interface
    IMathservice mathService= myChannelFactory.CreateChannel();

    //and call it            
    var result = mathService.Add(1,1); //input to your method
