I'm using a PowerShell script that creates local share folder.
function shareCacheFolder() {
$Sharename = 'cacheFolder'
$Foldername = 'c:\cacheFolder'
if (!(Get-WmiObject Win32_Share -Filter "name='$Sharename'")) {
$Shares = [WMICLASS]"Win32_Share"
$Shares.Create($Foldername, $Sharename, 0)
This seems to work on most machines. But not on mine.
I'm getting this output:
I've also tried using this convention:
function shareCacheFolder() {
$path = "c:\cachefolder"
$name = "cachefolder"
$type = 0
$password = ""
$description = ""
$max = 100
$access = $null
if (!(Get-WmiObject Win32_Share -Filter "name='$Sharename'")) {
Invoke-WmiMethod -Class Win32_Share -Name Create -ArgumentList $access, $description, $max, $name, $password, $path, $type
I'm using PowerShell version 3.
As documented the return code 8 means "unknown error". The command is syntactically correct and works on other computers, so the issue is not with your code. The problem is also unlikely to be caused by a share name conflict, missing folder, permission issue, etc., as those would cause different errors/return codes.
I suspect that on your system the Server service is not running. Verify that with the following command:
The start type should be "Automatic", and the status should be "Running". If they're not, change the start type and start the service like this: