How can I create a sequence of the content of prior rows in an aggregation using data.table? e.g.
pets <- data.table(id = 1 : 12, pet = c(rep("dog", 1), "cat", "cat", rep("dog", 3), "cat", rep("dog", 4), "cat"), town = c(rep("boston", 9), rep("sf", 3)), names = letters[1:12])
id pet town names
1: 1 dog boston a
2: 2 cat boston b
3: 3 cat boston c
4: 4 dog boston d
5: 5 dog boston e
6: 6 dog boston f
7: 7 cat boston g
8: 8 dog boston h
9: 9 dog boston i
10: 10 dog sf j
11: 11 dog sf k
12: 12 cat sf l
would result in,
id pet town names prior
1: 1 dog boston a NA
2: 2 cat boston b a
3: 3 cat boston c a
4: 4 dog boston d NA
5: 5 dog boston e NA
6: 6 dog boston f NA
7: 7 cat boston g d e f
8: 8 dog boston h NA
9: 9 dog boston i NA
10: 10 dog sf j NA
11: 11 dog sf k NA
12: 12 cat sf l j k
> pets[, .SD[, prior := paste(names[-.N], collapse = ' '), .(group=cumsum(c(0,diff(pet == "cat")) < 0))][pet != "cat", prior := ''] , by = town]
but that leads to,
Error in `[.data.table`(.SD, , `:=`(prior, paste(names[-.N], collapse = " ")), :
.SD is locked. Using := in .SD's j is reserved for possible future use; a tortuously flexible way to modify by group. Use := in j directly to modify by group by reference.
You don't need
and the grouping should be also based on 'town' from the expected result showed. Also assuming that you want to fill the missing values with''