create Oracle type of the same structure as an existing Oracle table

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I'm trying to save a few Java collections in Oracle PL/SQL stored procedure.

Does anyone know, if there is a way to create Oracle type of the same structure as an existing Oracle table? I would like to avoid creating a lot of CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE t_row AS OBJECT(...); , then CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE t_list AS TABLE OF t_row; for each Java collection.

In other words I would like to create something like:

CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE typename AS TABLE OF schema.existing_table;

I was trying to find some information over the web and it seems like there aren't any similar topics.

Any hint would be very much appreciated.


There are 1 answers

Justin Cave On

Does the type need to be a SQL type? If you're OK with a PL/SQL type, you can declare a collection of %ROWTYPE records. Presumably, you'd create the types in one or more packages and then use them wherever appropriate.

create table foo (
  col1 number,
  col2 number

create or replace package my_collections
  type foo_tbl is table of foo%rowtype;

  foos my_collections.foo_tbl := new my_collections.foo_tbl();
  foos(1).col1 := 1;
  foos(1).col2 := 2;

  dbms_output.put_line( foos.count );