Hi i'm very new to neo4j i need to know how to create nodes and properties of graph using html forms by using py2neo and neo4j and how to add auto id's to the nodes
from flask import Flask,render_template,request,url_for,json,jsonify
from py2neo import neo4j,Graph,Node,Relationship,cypher
from neo4jrestclient.client import GraphDatabase
app = Flask(__name__)
gdb = GraphDatabase("http://neo4j:duke@localhost:7474/db/data")
def index():
results = graph.cypher.execute("MATCH (n:Person) RETURN n")
'''print "gyktdjxdhgfcvkjbljkfr",result'''
return results.json
def create():
return "f"
if __name__ == '__main__':
Check out this blog post by Nicole for some insight:
code is on github:
You don't need auto-incrementing id's like in a relational database. Just use the person's login for that and use
See. http://neo4j.com/developer/cypher