I need to create a Json with 2 elements. The First element is a List and the second element is simple key-value pair. My output looks as follows:
{"table": "sn: 2134"},
{"table": "sn: 5676"},
{"table": "sn: 4564"},
"paid": 219
In the example , the first element is tables
which is List of table
. The second element is paid
I tried it using play.api.libs.json
lib , but stuck while adding second element.
My code looks as follows:
case class Input(table:String){
override def toString = s""""table" : "sn: $table""""
implicit val userFormat = Json.format[Input]
val inputsSeq = Seq(Input(table1),Input(table2),Input(table3))
val users = Json.obj("tables" -> inputsSeq)
This code print Json as :
{"table": "sn: 2134"},
{"table": "sn: 5676"},
{"table": "sn: 4564"},
I am not sure, how to add the second element in this json. any suggestion how to resolve this.
accepts multiple pairs of(String, JsValueWrapper)
as its arguments:So you can add both elements like this: