Create Interactions in Marketing with OData Service CUAN_IMPORT_SRV

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I work on a SAPUI5 application (in Web IDE) which creates an interaction in Hybris Marketing. Therefore I use OData service CUAN_IMPORT_SRV. I already tried it with a simple Postman request and it worked fine. The interaction was created in Hybris Marketing.

The example JSON body for upload looks like this (oriented by Call OData Service):

   "Id" : "",
   "Timestamp" : "/Date(1506014140593)/",
   "UserName" : "UNAME",
   "SourceSystemId" : "ANY",
   "Interactions" : [
         "Key" : "",
         "CampaignId" : "",
         "CommunicationMedium" : "BUSINESS_DOCUMENT",
         "ContactId" : "005056966DBE1EE4B299CD12B99F60C4",
         "ContactIdOrigin" : "SAP_HYBRIS_MKT_IC",
         "ContentData" : "First Event",
         "ContentTitle" : "",
         "InitiativeId" : "100001622",
         "InitiativeVersion" : 0,
         "InteractionType" : "CRM_ACTIVITY",
         "IsAnonymous" : false,
         "MarketingOrchestrationId" : 0,
         "Quantifier" : 1,
         "Timestamp" : "/Date(1506014140283)/"

It shall not be discussed if the data makes sense or not. It's right now just a test case. In my SAPUI5 application I started writing a simple function which shall handle the data upload. I oriented on this topic.

This is my function:

onPressScan: function() {
    function(mResult) {
        if (!mResult.cancelled) {
            // begin POST Interaction with OData
            var oModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.v2.ODataModel("https://host:port/sap/opu/odata/sap/CUAN_IMPORT_SRV/", true, "UNAME", "PASSWORD");
                "X-CSRF-Token" : "Fetch"
            var jsonString = '{ "Id" : "", "Timestamp" : "/Date(1506014140591)/",  "UserName" : "UNAME", "SourceSystemId" : "ANY", "Interactions" : [ ' +
            '{ "Key" : "" , "CampaignId" : "" , "CommunicationMedium" : "BUSINESS_DOCUMENT" , "ContactId" : "005056966DBE1EE4B299CD12B99F60D4" ' +
            ', "ContactIdOrigin" : "SAP_HYBRIS_MKT_IC" , "ContentData" : "Try from Scanner App", "ContentTitle" : "Scan", "InitiativeId" : "100001622" ' +
            ', "InitiativeVersion" : 0, "InteractionType" : "CRM_ACTIVITY", "IsAnonymous" : false, "MarketingOrchestrationId" : 0, "Quantifier" : 1, "Timestamp" : "/Date(1506014140281)/" }]}';
            var json = JSON.parse(jsonString);
            // get X-CSRF-Token for POST request
  "/$metadata", null, null, true, function(oData, oResponse) {

            var xcsrfToken = oResponse.headers["x-csrf-token"];

                "X-CSRF-Token" : xcsrfToken,
                "Content-Type" : "application/json"

            // POST interaction to yMarketing
            oModel.create("/ImportHeaders", json, null, function() {
                alert("Create successful");
            }, function(){
                alert("Create failed");
        }, function() {
            alert("Read failed");
    }}, function(Error) {
        sap.m.MessageBox.error("Scanning failed due to following error: " + Error, {
            title: "Error while scanning"                                     


When I try the application I get the following error:


When declaring the OData Model I use a correct system UNAME and PASSWORD for reading and writing. What do I do wrong?

Any hints well appreciated!


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Click Chrome Icon > Options > Add this behind your target path:

--disable-web-security --user-data-dir