Create Enveloped Signature with CXF and WSS4J

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I am currently creating a SOAP-Client in Java with help of Apache CXF.

I've generated the Service classes from a given WSDL and configure the client programmatically.(Just to make clear, that I'm not using Spring configuration).

The service I'm calling has the requirement that each Request I send, needs to be signed.

What I did so far is creating my client and add the WSS4JOutInterceptor in order to sign the message.

Client client = ClientProxy.getClient(soapService.getRawSoapInterface());

//Actually not sure if this is really needed?
QName signatureQName = new QName("", "Signature");
Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Map<QName, Object> processorMap = new HashMap<QName, Object>();
processorMap.put(WSSecurityEngine.SIGNATURE, signatureQName);
properties.put("", processorMap);
properties.put(WSHandlerConstants.USER, "clientSignatureAlias");
properties.put(WSHandlerConstants.PW_CALLBACK_CLASS, MyPwCallback.class.getName());
properties.put(WSHandlerConstants.PASSWORD_TYPE, WSConstants.PW_TEXT);
properties.put(WSHandlerConstants.ACTION, WSHandlerConstants.SIGNATURE);
properties.put(WSHandlerConstants.SIG_PROP_FILE, "");
properties.put(WSHandlerConstants.ENC_KEY_ID, "X509KeyIdentifier");

WSS4JOutInterceptor wssOutInterceptor = new WSS4JOutInterceptor(properties);

My contains:


So far so good, and each Message is getting signed.

Lets get to the issue: The Problem is, that The interceptor is putting these Security Headers into the Soap-Request.

<SOAP-ENV:Header xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" 
xmlns:wsu="" soap:mustUnderstand="1">

At first I don't them, second point is that the service I am calling doesn't know them and therefore is answering with an exception.

Currently I cannot find a way how to avoid this, any suggestions?


There are 1 answers

questionaire On BEST ANSWER

As far as I understood, WSS4J is not able to create an Enveloped Signature at all!

Therefore I moved into another direction. I used Apache Santuario in order to create a Signature for my message.

I used the Intercepor mechanism of CXF to create my own interceptor, an abstract class for this usecase is provided here: How To Modify The Raw XML message of an Outbound CXF Request? .

There I was able to call the Santuario STAX-API to create an valid signature, this is described very good in the following blog:

Since I had some further modifications on the request, I was able to modify the raw String.

Thank god that SOAP is standardized protocoll and everybody is doing what he wants to...