I know that you can create one arrow by appending a cone to the end of a cynlinder. Something like this:
<Cylinder DEF='ArrowCylinder' radius='.025' top='false'/>
<Appearance DEF='Green'>
<Material diffuseColor='.1 .6 .1' emissiveColor='.05 .2 .05'/>
<Transform translation='0 1 0'>
<Cone DEF='ArrowCone' bottomRadius='.05' height='.1'/>
<Appearance USE='Green'/>
What if instead I want to show something like a glyph/vector field with X3DOM? Clearly creating an entire set of arrows where each arrow is defined like this won't be an elegant solution...
One method might be you style/build your own arrow by using IndexedFaceSet node, then group it with an id, alternatively you can also group a set of arrows, under one id of course: Here is an (2-D) example:
One big benefit would be that you reduce the amount of points/draws a lot, thus you gain performance, if you use massive amount of arrows.