Create a new format option for Maven Assembly plugin

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The Maven Assembly plugin allows different formats to be specified in the assembly descriptor. How can I develop a new format so it will be supported?

I would like to create an ISO image rather than a zip, jar or tar file that it already supports. I have found a plugin that will create an ISO image (, but not as part of the assembly plugin, so would be quite happy to make use of that, or even extend that plugin.

I basically want to be able to do the following in my assembly descriptor:

  <!-- Rest of descriptor here -->

I'd also like this to be able to remove the extra level of indirection within the created archive, so that when I declare that a file should be in the root of the archive it really is. This would be a tar bomb were it a tar file, but would be a useful feature for an ISO image.


There are 2 answers

khmarbaise On

The best thing is to file in issue in the issue tracking system: furthermore to support this in a good way is to take a look into the source code of the maven-assembly-plugin and may be try to produce a patch which implements the functionality you like to have in it. But I doubt that it will accepted by the devs cause the tools you are referencing are GPL based software which can't be integrated in Apache licensed parts. So I wouldn't be astonished if they regret something like this. But may be I'm wrong. Just give it a try. Furthermore it might be a good idea to suggest a new Maven plugin which exactly is for such purpose (maven-iso-pugin?).

And very important you should check Maven Central, cause there exist a|ga|1|iso9660-maven-plugin maven plugin for such purposes already.

James Marble On

The iso9660-maven-plugin (part of java-iso-tools) now supports this directly. You have to add it to your pom.xml as an extension and as a dependency to the maven-assembly-plugin:

        <extension> <!-- Adds "iso" as an assembly format. -->

Then you can use <format>iso</format> in your assembly descriptor.

I see that the original asker was the one who added this capability to iso9660-maven-plugin. Thank you!