I am trying to write a terraform script to apply a country block in Cloudflare for one of my websites. However, I am not entirely sure if I'm doing it right. For context this is using the Free Cloudflare plan.
My terraform script is below:
resource "cloudflare_ruleset" "country_block" {
zone_id = data.cloudflare_zone.zone.zone_id
name = "country block on ${local.web_host}"
kind = "zone"
phase = "http_request_firewall_custom"
rules {
action = "block"
expression = "(ip.geoip.country ne \"NZ\")"
enabled = true
The error I get is
Error: error creating ruleset country block on www.example.com: not entitled to use the firewall custom phase
I can do it manually in the CloudFlare portal, under the WAF Security - Firewall rules, you get 5 for free. So am assuming this is possible in terraform, thought the error potentially indicates a paid plan required
Hey here is my working example of cloudflare Security - Firewall rules WAF (Web Application Firewall)
Make sure your API token has the required permissions. Take a look at https://developers.cloudflare.com/terraform/tutorial/initialize-terraform/
This example is based on official docs https://registry.terraform.io/providers/cloudflare/cloudflare/latest/docs/resources/firewall_rule#zone_id
And Note from https://registry.terraform.io/providers/cloudflare/cloudflare/latest/docs/resources/ruleset
If you previously configured Rulesets using the dashboard, you first need to delete them (zone, account documentation) and clean up the resources before attempting to configure them with Terraform. This is because Terraform will fail to apply if configuration already exists to prevent blindly overwriting changes.
I had to delete the rules I manually created in order to let
create them