I've integrated a libPd patch in iOS.
When entering a text field, and presenting the keyboard there's some crackling sounds.
How would I go about debugging this?
NB I've tagged this question with Objective-C and iOS, however this question may require knowledge in all four tags - libPd and Pure Data well:
What is Pure Data
Pure Data is a powerful programming language for the manipulating of audio from core mathematical concepts. It's widely used games as well as DJ and other music focused applications. Some example apps that are built with Pure Data and libPd are: The Rj Voyager app from RjDj and the Inception App from Warner Brothers.
libPD is a method of embedding Pure Data patches (developed using the visual interface) within an iOS app. Controlling the Pd interface is done via a publish/subscribe message interface similar to OSC or MIDI. .
The GitHub page for libPd is here: https://github.com/libpd
What help am I looking for?
I'm not sure where to start debugging this. Someone who has integrated and used libPd on iOS could surely share experience. It could be related to the following:
- How threading works, and how it interacts with the main queue
- What sample rates work best given the target devices
- What debugging tools are available.
- Other advice earned through deep experience.
I don't know anything about PD, but it seems likely that the presentation of the keyboard is causing you to be CPU-starved for some reason. You might try: