CPPUTEST: How to ignore only one mocked call placed between other ones

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I would like to ignore one call placed between other ones that I want to call under the same case test. If I use ignoreothercalls I have not clear if the rest of the calls, following this, will be called. I need the rest, after ignored call, will be called. Or at least, to find the way of stopping ignoreothercalls effect before the end of the test case.

TEST(group, test1){

    mock().expectOneCall("HAL_AS393x_ReadRegisters");//I want ignore only this mocked function call


I would like to leave this call without being tested, and remove it from de test case without gettig expecting calls errors for it: mock().xxxCall("HAL_AS393x_ReadRegisters"); //-where xxxCall = unkown keyword used for this-


There are 1 answers

Felipe Lavratti On

You have to check expectation in between:


/* Start all over again */

Complete example using checkExpectations() to reset mock() here