cPanel Parked Domains Not returning array

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A password was changed and cPanel broke. Fixed the password and it's still broken! I have to iterate over parked domains. I've verified the user / password combination is correct via PuTTY.

$domain = '';
$pass = '';//etc
$user = '';//etc
$xmlapi = new xmlapi('');
$domains_parked = $xmlapi->listparkeddomains($user);

foreach ($domains_parked as $k1=>$v1)
 if ($v1->domain == $domain) {$return = true; break;}

That code generates the following error:

Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

Apparently $domains_parked is not even set! I've spent time looking at the function being called so without dumping all 86KB here is the cleaned up version of $xmlapi->listparkeddomains:

public function listparkeddomains($username, $domain = null)
 $args = array();
 if (!isset($username))
  error_log("listparkeddomains requires that a user is passed to it");
  return false;

 if (isset($domain))
  $args['regex'] = $domain;
  return $this->api2_query($username, 'Park', 'listparkeddomains', $args);

 return $this->api2_query($username, 'Park', 'listparkeddomains');

I don't know what they're doing with setting a variable as the second parameter. I've called this function with and without and tested the reaction with a simple mail().

Next I tried calling the API in a more direct fashion:

$xmlapi->api2_query($username, 'Park', 'listparkeddomains')

That also does not work. Okay, let's try some really raw output testing:

echo "1:\n";
echo "2:\n";
print_r($xmlapi->api2_query($user, 'Park', 'listparkeddomains'));
echo "3:\n";
$domains_parked = $xmlapi->listparkeddomains($user);

That outputs the following:

1: xmlapi Object (

[debug:xmlapi:private] => 

[host:xmlapi:private] =>

[port:xmlapi:private] => 4099

[protocol:xmlapi:private] => https

[output:xmlapi:private] => simplexml

[auth_type:xmlapi:private] => pass

[auth:xmlapi:private] => <pass>

[user:xmlapi:private] => <user>

[http_client:xmlapi:private] => curl ) 2: 3:

I have never encountered such fragile code though I have no choice but to use it. Some help please?


There are 1 answers

John On

So cPanel version 74 killed off the whole XML API and it doesn't frigin tell you with any error messages. I can not objectively say in the least that cPanel provides a stable platform to build anything reliable upon. You can either intentionally gimp your server from automatically updating (and potentially miss out on security updates) or every so X iterations of time completely rewrite the code again...and again...and again.