I am using this function to scrape my url and build variables from it:
Read a page's GET URL variables and return them as an "associative array." Calling the function while at example.html?foo=asdf&bar=jkls sets map['foo']='asdf' and map['bar']='jkls'
how would I add a for loop so that
foo = map['foo']
bar = map['bar']
First solution didn't work.
You can loop through the map like this
This would create window[foo] and window[bar], which are the same as window.foo and window.bar, which are the same as foo and bar.
EDIT: Here are the contents of the body in the test page I'm using. jQuery should be loaded in the head only because I use it to initialize my test and attach a click handler, but the concept of the for loop is not dependent on jQuery. Since I don't have the map coming into me, I am creating it myself when the document loads. From that point, I am looping over the map just as I described and attaching a click handler to a button to test the proper assignment.