I have data in a triple store and would like to compute the following:
how many resources 'x' have the object property 'op' with at least 2 different resources 'r' of similar type 'R' as values?
here is a example of such data in turtle syntax:
PREFIX ex: <http://example.com>
a ex:Document ;
ex:mentions p1, p2, p3 .
a ex:Document ;
ex:mentions p4, p5 .
a ex:Person ;
ex:hasRole ex:r1 .
a ex:Person ;
ex:hasRole ex:r1 .
a ex:Person ;
ex:hasRole ex:r2 .
a ex:Person ;
ex:hasRole ex:r1 .
a ex:Person ;
ex:hasRole ex:r2 .
a ex:Role1 .
a ex:Role2 .
The objective is to count resources such as ex:doc1
which has 2 ex:mentions
having similar roles (r1
of type ex:Role1
). Here the result will be 1, leaving aside ex:doc2`.
The strategy would be:
identify resources having the desired property, i.e. documents (doc) having object properties (mentions) pointing on resources (person), these resources having themselves properties (hasRole) of similar values (the role)).
count them.
I have difficulties with step 1. For example, this query returns all docs having a p1 with Role1, even if there is only one p (p1) having this property.
SELECT distinct ?doc
?doc a ex:Document .
?doc ex:mentions ?p1 .
?doc ex:mentions ?p2 .
?p1 ex:hasRole ?r1 .
?p2 ex:hasRole ?r1 .
?r1 a ex:Role1 .
Many thanks for your help.
Your data wasn't quite usable (there were no prefixes on the p1, p2, etc., resources), but after fixing that, I was able to use the following query. You were pretty close; the trick is that you need to filter(?p1 != ?p2) to ensure that you're getting different values of the ex:mentions property. Then you can just check that they have a role with a common type with ?p1 ex:hasRole/a ?roleType . ?p2 ex:hasRole/a ?roleType, or even more concisely, ?roleType ^(a/ex:hasRole) ?p1, ?p2. Then, in the counting, you only want to count distinct values of ?document, so you need (count(distinct ?document) as ?nDocuments):