Could not find StateFunctionModule in Example, no routers are defined error

206 views Asked by At

I could run Harness example here

but I copied the code to another directory and use the same dependencies in pom.xml, it raised error that no routers defined

I debug and found that MyModule which extends StateFunModule was not found. Thus the class loader get no module and the router and func size is 0 and failed in validation step. (The step to check ingress, egress, router, func not size 0)

PS: I just copied all the code, thus @AutoService is also included. According to here, it should work without further configuration.

Update: Seems its statefun issue related to @AutoService

I added following code in the pom in another project (unrelated to statefun)


It works, the META-INF is generated.

But if using


The META-INF is not generated, and I found in statefun, the dependency used is actually


And I test this dependency, it could not generate META-INF, and I am curious that why if we directly clone the statefun repo and mvn clean package, it could work.


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