I insert a document in couchbase using repository.save() and after that, I make a query to find duplicates on another document.
query is:
SELECT ARRAY_AGG(i.serialnumber) serialNumbers
FROM default tempItem
UNNEST items i
WHERE tempItem.class = "com.inventory.model.item.TempItem"
AND META(tempItem).id = '4390dd9e-e392-4432-939f-ebf046570086'
and i.serialnumber in (select raw serialnumber from default where class = 'com.inventory.model.item.Item'
AND status != 'DELETED' and serialnumber is not missing)
the result of the query is:
"serialNumbers": [
The document that saved is like below:
"tempItem": {
"class": "com.inventory.model.item.TempItem",
"items": [
"categoryId": "67aaca7b-90b1-43e4-a6c6-0e9567bf283e",
"clientIds": [
"description": "bla bla",
"initial": 1,
"productId": "db5c81c4-0fec-407e-8703-6f5fb69a070c",
"serialnumber": "9121945901",
"simType": "PREPAID",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"stock": 1,
"title": "bla bla"
and another document to check is :
"categoryId": "67aaca7b-90b1-43e4-a6c6-0e9567bf283e",
"class": "com.inventory.model.item.Item",
"clientIds": [
"createdts": 1601801989176,
"creator": "919d0ca7-c8d4-4283-8b0a-b6f2a7b39753",
"description": "bla bla",
"initial": 1,
"prefix1": "912",
"prefix2": "194",
"productId": "db5c81c4-0fec-407e-8703-6f5fb69a070c",
"serialnumber": "9121945901",
"simType": "PREPAID",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"stock": 1,
"title": "bla bla"
in spring boot when I run the query immediately after seve the document its return null result and if I make some milliseconds sleep after save and before the run query returns the value
what is that problem? can anybody help this issue?
This is probably because of ScanConsistency. Indexes in Couchbase are built asynchronously. So if you are using the default "NOT_BOUNDED" consistency and query the data with N1QL immediately after you write it, it may not be indexed yet.
I don't know how to change this in Spring, but the other options are:
a.k.a AT_PLUS - for a more narrowed-down scan consistency, depending on the index update rate this might provide a speedier response.Again, not sure about Spring, but you don't have to set this globally. Each query can use a different scan consistency. So, if you value maximum performance over up-to-the-second accuracy, you can go with the default. If you value up-to-the-second accuracy over maximum performance, you can go to with REQUEST_PLUS or AT_PLUS.