Correct way to reimplement OpenMPs min/max reduction with flush

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Some days ago it came to my mind, that a piece of code to implement a min/max reduction in OpenMP, that i used quite often, might actually not be correct:

In some cases, when the OpenMP min-max reduction clause was not available (old OpenMP version) or i also needed the index for the maximum value i used code like this:

#pragma omp parallel private(myMax,myMax_idx) shared(globalMax,globalMax_idx)
    #pragma omp for
    for (...) {

    if (myMax >= globalMax) {
        #pragma omp critical
            if ((myMax > globalMax)||(myMax == globalMax && globalMax_idx < myMax_idx) {
                globalMax = myMax;
                globalMax_idx = myMax_idx;

Now it came to my mind, that this code might actually produce wrong results because shared variable does NOT mean that all threads access the same portion of memory, but they might use a private copy that might not be up to date with all other threads. So i need to use #pragma omp flush to synchronize the variable.

    #pragma omp flush(globalMax)
    if (myMax > globalMax) {
        #pragma omp critical
            if (myMax > globalMax) globalMax = myMax;

In M. Süß et al, Common Mistakes in OpenMP and How To Avoid Them this implementation is described as

This is essentially a reimplementation of a reduction using the max operator.

But i wonder if this piece of code is correct because i don't see the writing thread flushing his version of globalMax to the memory.

Also in the case of searching the index i would need to also flush the globalMax_idx variable. Right?

This question is kind of related to

So if the Code from the "Common Mistakes in OpenMP" is assuming that the critical region does a flush is it really worth it to explicitly flush the globalMax-variable before the if?

What code should i use?


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