when trying to scale the object down on both axis the image will look skewed like, stretching more on 1 axis. I called object.Xscale=-1 to flip it. Although it works it will cause object:Scale(x,y) to have a problem with scaling. I removed the object.xScale and there seems to be no scaling issue with the display object. What can i do to solve this?
Corona using object.Xscale to flip an object will cause the object to look skewed when calling object:scale(x,y)
149 views Asked by Gordon Ong At
If you could post your code I might be able to answer you question a bit better. Until then, I can only speculate what the issue may be.
I recommend that if you do not want the xScale and yScale differing after alterations, try doing this after each change.
By setting the yScale to the absolute value of xScale, you will keep it upright and the same size despite xScale possibly being negative or positive.
Hope this helps,