I am newbie into IOS development and tumbled on working with coredata.
I have created an AppPage entity with pageId attribute in it marked as an unique constraint.
Now i can insert a row into AppPage using below code:
let context = getAppDelegate().persistentContainer.viewContext
let appPage = AppTable(context: context)
appPage.pageId = 12
appPage.pContent = "Hello ManiKanta"
try getAppDelegate().persistentContainer.viewContext.save()
print("saved successfully")
print("error while saving")
Now when what i want here is that if again a row with pageId as 12 and pContent as New updated information the same row in the entity should get updated with the updated information.
I googled to and found out that
getAppDelegate().persistentContainer.viewContext.mergePolicy = NSMergeByPropertyObjectTrumpMergePolicy
but setting NSMergeByPropertyObjectTrumpMergePolicy
is giving me an compilation error in my XCode(v8.3.2)
Basically insert a row if it is not existing, else update the row with given id.
Here is the compilation error thrown by Xcode.
Use of unresolved identifier NSMergeByPropertyObjectTrumpMergePolicy
You need to fetch for an
with thatpageId
. If you find one, use the data you have to update it. If you find none, create a new one like you show in your question. If you find many, you have an error to deal with.In your case: