I am downloading certain font file and storing it in documents directory. After downloading, I try to register this font file using following code:
@objc func registerAndSetFontTapped(_ sender: UIButton) {
var error: Unmanaged<CFError>?
let fontURL = fontsFolder.appendingPathComponent("Muli-Bold.ttf")
if CTFontManagerRegisterFontsForURL(fontURL as CFURL, .user, &error) {
}else if let thisError = error?.takeRetainedValue() {
if let fontError = CTFontManagerError(rawValue: CFErrorGetCode(thisError)) {
This code prints error in console as follows:
Error Domain=com.apple.CoreText.CTFontManagerErrorDomain Code=-2 "Could not register the font file(s)" UserInfo={NSDescription=Could not register the font file(s), CTFontManagerErrorFontURLs=(
I am getting same error for scope .persistent
as well. This above code successfully registers font for only two scope, viz., .none
and .process
Also, I am trying to find what error is this but according to documentation of CTFontManagerError
, no case corresponds to rawValue -2
. What is exactly happening here?
My end goal is to register a font and keep it registered across app launches.