Copying a string with nulls inside

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I want to copy a string in C (Windows) that contains nulls in it. I need a function to which I will pass buffer length so that the NULL characters will be meaningless. I found StringCbCopy function but it still stops at the first NULL character.


There are 3 answers


Since you know the length, use memcpy().

PurpleOak On

Here is a quick bit of code that may help:

char array1[5] = "test", array2[5];
int length = 5;
memcpy(array2, array1, length*sizeof(char));
//the sizeof() is redundant in this because each char is a byte long
//but it is useful if you are working with other datatypes

memcpy probably will become your best friend for situations like this.

Darkhydro On

It should be very easy to write your own function to do this. If you know the length of the string, just create a char[] or char* with the specified length, and copy characters one by one.