Copy runnable jar after install

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I need to copying a runnable jar in a network folder during the install lifecycle. Now I try to add more detail at my problem. I'm developing a java program using maven like tool of building. After

Now I created some profiles inside my pom and after installation I need to move my runnable jar file inside a network directory. For example I hava:

  1. My jar file in target/myJar.jar
  2. Network folder is in \\export\jars

To do this I'm using maven-upload-plugin with the following configuration:


I'm not able to find much documentation about this plugin, and I would want some information about resourceSRC,resourceDest,url.

Where i run the command mvn upload:upload -P Production, i get anything is copied in my remote folder.

Where am I doing wrong?


There are 2 answers


This is Java, not Windows. Try to use Java form for the url. I believe in your case url would be like this:

Sarfaraz Khan On

Since you're using maven-upload-plugin so according to the doc it should be something like this


but here is another post with some success

If you can try some other plugin here is another solution with different plugin which is more common

          <ftp action="send" 
              server="${}" remotedir="${ftp.remotedir}" 
              userid="${ftp.userid}" password="${ftp.password}" 
              depends="${ftp.depends}" verbose="${ftp.verbose}">
            <fileset dir="${}">