Copy line to clipboard in Windows Command Prompt

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@echo off
cd C:\Users\"%username%"\Downloads\vanity\gen
@echo off
set /p Address=""
vanitygen -X 0 1%Address%
@echo off
for /f "tokens=2" %%a in ('vanitygen 1%Address% ^| findstr Privkey ') do echo %%a|clip
msg "%username%" Generation complete! Your private address has been copied to your clipboard!

This code works, however instead of copying the privaddress, it runs the script again, and copies that code. I need it to copy the first result, not the second one, as they will both be different. What can be done to make it only copy the one displayed?


There are 1 answers

Magoo On
@echo off
for /f "tokens=2" %%a in ('vanitygen 1%Address% ^| findstr Privkey ') do echo %%a|clip&GOTO DONE
msg "%username%" Generation complete! Your private address has been copied to your clipboard!

It's difficult to figure out what you mean by "it runs the script again" - You havent indicated what vanitygen is, but if the string Privkey occurs more than once in its output, this change should fix the problem.