COPY csv file with additionnal datas

279 views Asked by At

I have the following table :


And a CSV file containing the datas for the column id_tech, name, and nationality.

Importing the data like so is working :

\copy persons(id_tech,name,nationality) FROM '/path/to/file.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV

The id_list value is not in the CSV file because the file has to be imported on many servers where the value of this id can be different.

Is there a way to import the CSV file while providing an additional value for a specific column? I can't find anything relevant on the documentation.

Edit 1--
Note that all my command will be perform with pqxx in C++ (multi platform). I'm trying to avoid editing the file because of it's size.

Edit 2 --
I'm considering the following approach:

  • Create a temp table with a correct default value for the field I need
  • Import File into this temp table
  • Copy temp table to final table
  • Remove temp table

But I'm unsure of the performance. Biggest import can be close to a 500K lines.


There are 2 answers


Found a solution which seems more than ok.

As stated in my OP , i use libpqxx to insert data , so instead of running a COPY sql request directly , i simply use pqxx::stream_to

Which allow me to add addtional field if needed :

pqxx::stream_to stream(w, mTable, std::vector<std::string>{"id_tech","name","nationality","extra_col"});
csv::CSVReader reader(filePath);
for (csv::CSVRow& row : reader) {

    stream << std::make_tuple(row[0].get<long long>(), row[1].get<std::string>(), row[2].get<std::string>(), custom_id);

Taking around 10s to import 300K lines which is fine for my needs.

James Brown On

On Linux you could use for example awk to add the additional value field to your data and use psql to read from from stdin:

$ cat copy.sql
\copy persons(id_tech,name,nationality,extra_col) FROM '/dev/stdin' DELIMITER ',' CSV

and then:

$ awk '
    print $1,$2,$3,"additional value"
}' file.csv | psql -h host -d database -f file.sql

(tested on PostgreSQL 12.4)