I am using Apache ODE to write some simple BPEL's to connect 2 web services. One of the WSDL files of my two services contains this complex type:
<t:schema targetNamespace="http://ws.panos.com/" version="1.0" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<t:complexType name="myObject">
<t:element minOccurs="0" name="str" type="t:string" />
How do I make a copy from a service return message (which is just a xsd:string) to the input of a message (inside "str" of type "myObject"?
I have tried to do this, but doesnt seem to work:
<assign name="assign_2">
<from variable="wsA_output" part="return"/>
<to variable="wsC_input" part="arg0" query="/arg0/str"/>
I always get a null string transfered. Help much appreciated.
Just found the mistake. You are right, we need to query in order to find the field like this:
Also, we need to initialize the variable like this:
The xmlns="" is needed when the default namespace in your bpel is different that the namespace in the receiving web service.
I am just writing these down for future reference :)
Again, thanks for you your answer.
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