Converting HEIC to JPG on Heroku with imagemagick

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I have a rails 7 app on heroku 20 stack, I try to conveert heic photo into jpg. I update rmagick by adding the buildpack with

heroku buildpacks:add --index 1

now, I have have this error after trying to convert HEIC to jpg

2023-10-25T06:39:16.771988+00:00 app[web.1]: F, [2023-10-25T06:39:16.771960 #2] FATAL -- : [c81b3e26-3995-4383-a99d-a72f58d9df31] 2023-10-25T06:39:16.772012+00:00 app[web.1]: [c81b3e26-3995-4383-a99d-a72f58d9df31] MiniMagick::Invalid (magick identify /tmp/mini_magick20231025-2-eoi3h5 failed with status: 1 and error: 2023-10-25T06:39:16.772013+00:00 app[web.1]: identify: UnableToOpenConfigureFile delegates.xml' @ warning/configure.c/GetConfigureOptions/715. 2023-10-25T06:39:16.772014+00:00 app[web.1]: identify: NoDecodeDelegateForThisImageFormat ' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/509. 2023-10-25T06:39:16.772014+00:00 app[web.1]: ): 2023-10-25T06:39:16.772015+00:00 app[web.1]: [c81b3e26-3995-4383-a99d-a72f58d9df31]

My code work when it convert png to HEIC,


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