Converting a CM Synergy archive to free source control

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Because of downsizing and cost-saving our organisation is moving from CM/Telogic/Rational Synergy to free tools (most probably SVN). Is there anyway to transfer history and branch information from Synergy to a free tool?


There are 4 answers

Claus Schneider On

For a few customers, I have converted CM/synergy to Git based on the project's static revisions respecting the logical history and adding meta-data (baseline, task, objects etc info) to git tags, so it is searchable.

Secondly I respected the subproject structure using submodules( or convert to directories) . It is using a variant of ( created by / ) supporting Synergy..

Details of the migration are described here:

In addition to Synergy to Git, I also migrated Change to Jira

Update: The company Praqma is now part of

My approach is quite robust of handling / disgarding Synergy usage issues..

PySynergy On

There's something going on in regards to CM/Synergy to git conversion over on github:

VonC On

I don't know of a native way to dump/import a CM Synergy source base into another SCM, which means the usual "generic import" tactic applies:

  • select some important baselines/labels/branches and load them one by one on the hard drive.
  • for each baseline, use that image as source to copy the files over the working directory of the target SCM (SVN or Git, Git can handle that kind of scenario very easily).
  • commit, then repeat for the next baseline/label/branch

But that means you loose some history and some metadata along the way.

BOC On was a migration project.

The dump part has worked. The CM synergy dumps are still used to investigate history of an object. The script my_cfs is still used to recreate an old version of a project.