Convert unsigned char * to FlyCapture2 Image for cvShowImage OpenCV

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I'm using three ptgrey cameras to acquire images and save them into my hard disk. I'm using the MultiCameraWriteToDiskEx example and it works great but I would like also to display images during the acquisition so I'm trying to convert FlyCapture images to a readeable OpenCV format in order to show them with cvShowImage() or imshow() functions.

I have a function IplImage* ConvertImageToOpenCV(Image* pImage) which can convert Flycapture2 Image* to OpenCV IplImage* but I do not know how to correctly convert unsigned char * to FlyCapture2::Image* in doGrabLoop() function which capture frames from the cameras.

Can you help me, please? I'm not very confident with C/C++ :( In particular, I do not know how to convert g_arImageplus[ uiCamera ].image.pData in order to pass it to ConvertImageToOpenCV(). (Is it correct to use g_arImageplus[ uiCamera ].image.pData?)

IplImage* ConvertImageToOpenCV(Image* pImage)
    IplImage* cvImage = NULL;
    bool bColor = true;
    CvSize mySize;
    mySize.height = pImage->GetRows();
    mySize.width = pImage->GetCols();
    printf("ciao %d\n",  pImage->GetPixelFormat() );
    switch ( pImage->GetPixelFormat() )
        case PIXEL_FORMAT_MONO8:     cvImage = cvCreateImageHeader(mySize, 8, 1 );
                                     cvImage->depth = IPL_DEPTH_8U;
                                     cvImage->nChannels = 1;
                                     bColor = false;
        case PIXEL_FORMAT_411YUV8:   cvImage = cvCreateImageHeader(mySize, 8, 3 );
                                     cvImage->depth = IPL_DEPTH_8U;
                                     cvImage->nChannels = 3;
        case PIXEL_FORMAT_422YUV8:   cvImage = cvCreateImageHeader(mySize, 8, 3 );
                                     cvImage->depth = IPL_DEPTH_8U;
                                     cvImage->nChannels = 3;
        case PIXEL_FORMAT_444YUV8:   cvImage = cvCreateImageHeader(mySize, 8, 3 );
                                     cvImage->depth = IPL_DEPTH_8U;
                                     cvImage->nChannels = 3;
        case PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB8:      cvImage = cvCreateImageHeader(mySize, 8, 3 );
                                     cvImage->depth = IPL_DEPTH_8U;
                                     cvImage->nChannels = 3;
        case PIXEL_FORMAT_MONO16:    cvImage = cvCreateImageHeader(mySize, 16, 1 );
                                     cvImage->depth = IPL_DEPTH_16U;
                                     cvImage->nChannels = 1;
                                     bColor = false;
        case PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB16:     cvImage = cvCreateImageHeader(mySize, 16, 3 );
                                     cvImage->depth = IPL_DEPTH_16U;
                                     cvImage->nChannels = 3;
        case PIXEL_FORMAT_S_MONO16:  cvImage = cvCreateImageHeader(mySize, 16, 1 );
                                     cvImage->depth = IPL_DEPTH_16U;
                                     cvImage->nChannels = 1;
                                     bColor = false;
        case PIXEL_FORMAT_S_RGB16:   cvImage = cvCreateImageHeader(mySize, 16, 3 );
                                     cvImage->depth = IPL_DEPTH_16U;
                                     cvImage->nChannels = 3;
        case PIXEL_FORMAT_RAW8:      cvImage = cvCreateImageHeader(mySize, 8, 3 );
                                     cvImage->depth = IPL_DEPTH_8U;
                                     cvImage->nChannels = 3;
        case PIXEL_FORMAT_RAW16:     cvImage = cvCreateImageHeader(mySize, 8, 3 );
                                     cvImage->depth = IPL_DEPTH_8U;
                                     cvImage->nChannels = 3;
        case PIXEL_FORMAT_MONO12:    printf("Not supported by OpenCV");
                                     bColor = false;
        case PIXEL_FORMAT_RAW12:     printf("Not supported by OpenCV");
        case PIXEL_FORMAT_BGR:       cvImage = cvCreateImageHeader(mySize, 8, 3 );
                                     cvImage->depth = IPL_DEPTH_8U;
                                     cvImage->nChannels = 3;
        case PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRU:      cvImage = cvCreateImageHeader(mySize, 8, 4 );
                                     cvImage->depth = IPL_DEPTH_8U;
                                     cvImage->nChannels = 4;
        case PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBU:      cvImage = cvCreateImageHeader(mySize, 8, 4 );
                                     cvImage->depth = IPL_DEPTH_8U;
                                     cvImage->nChannels = 4;
        default: printf("Some error occured...\n");
                 return NULL;

    if(bColor) {
            colorImage.SetData(new unsigned char[pImage->GetCols() * pImage->GetRows()*3], pImage->GetCols() * pImage->GetRows()*3);
            bInitialized = true;

        pImage->Convert(PIXEL_FORMAT_BGR, &colorImage); //needs to be as BGR to be saved

        cvImage->width = colorImage.GetCols();
        cvImage->height = colorImage.GetRows();
        cvImage->widthStep = colorImage.GetStride();

        cvImage->origin = 0; //interleaved color channels

        cvImage->imageDataOrigin = (char*)colorImage.GetData(); //DataOrigin and Data same pointer, no ROI
        cvImage->imageData         = (char*)(colorImage.GetData());
        cvImage->widthStep      = colorImage.GetStride();
        cvImage->nSize = sizeof (IplImage);
        cvImage->imageSize = cvImage->height * cvImage->widthStep;
        cvImage->imageDataOrigin = (char*)(pImage->GetData());
        cvImage->imageData         = (char*)(pImage->GetData());
        cvImage->widthStep         = pImage->GetStride();
        cvImage->nSize             = sizeof (IplImage);
        cvImage->imageSize         = cvImage->height * cvImage->widthStep;

        //at this point cvImage contains a valid IplImage
    return cvImage;

// Grab and test loop
int doGrabLoop()
   FlyCaptureError   error = FLYCAPTURE_FAILED;
   unsigned int      aruiPrevSeqNum[ _MAX_CAMERAS ];
   unsigned int      aruiDelta[ _MAX_CAMERAS ];
   unsigned int      aruiCycles[ _MAX_CAMERAS ];
   HANDLE        arhFile[ _MAX_CAMERAS ];
   DWORD         ardwBytesWritten[ _MAX_CAMERAS ];
   DWORD         dwTotalKiloBytesWritten = 0;
   bool          bMissed = false;
   bool          bOutOfSync = false;
   unsigned int      uiMissedImages = 0;
   unsigned int      uiOutOfSyncImages = 0;
   __int64       nStartTime = 0;
   __int64       nEndTime = 0;
   __int64       nDifference = 0;
   __int64       nTotalTime = 0;
   __int64       nGlobalStartTime = 0;
   __int64       nGlobalEndTime = 0;
   __int64       nGlobalTotalTime = 0;
   __int64       nFrequency = 0;

   QueryPerformanceFrequency( (LARGE_INTEGER*)&nFrequency );
   QueryPerformanceCounter( (LARGE_INTEGER*)&nGlobalStartTime );

   printf( "Starting grab...\n" );

   // Create files to write to
   if ( createFiles( arhFile ) != 0 )
      printf( "There was error creating the files\n" );
      return -1;

   BOOL bSuccess;

   // Start grabbing the images

   for( int iImage = 0; iImage < g_iNumImagesToGrab; iImage++ )
#ifdef _VERBOSE
      printf( "Grabbing image %u\n", iImage );
      printf( "." );

      unsigned int uiCamera = 0;

      // Grab an image from each camera
      for( uiCamera = 0; uiCamera < g_uiNumCameras; uiCamera++ )
     error = flycaptureLockNext( g_arContext[uiCamera], &g_arImageplus[uiCamera] );
         _HANDLE_ERROR( error, "flycaptureLockNext()" );

     // Save image dimensions & bayer info from first image for each camera
     if(iImage == 0)
        g_arImageTemplate[uiCamera] = g_arImageplus[uiCamera].image;

        error = flycaptureGetColorTileFormat(g_arContext[uiCamera], &g_arBayerTile[uiCamera]);
        _HANDLE_ERROR( error, "flycaptureGetColorTileFormat()" );

      for( uiCamera = 0; uiCamera < g_uiNumCameras; uiCamera++ )
     // Start timer
     QueryPerformanceCounter( (LARGE_INTEGER*)&nStartTime );

     // Calculate the size of the image to be written
     int iImageSize = 0;     
     int iRowInc = g_arImageplus[uiCamera].image.iRowInc;
     int iRows = g_arImageplus[uiCamera].image.iRows;
     iImageSize = iRowInc * iRows;
 // ERROR: HOW CAN I CONVERT g_arImageplus[ uiCamera ].image.pData IN ORDER TO USE IT WITH ConvertImageToOpenCV() function?
     IplImage* destImage = ConvertImageToOpenCV(g_arImageplus[ uiCamera ].image.pData);

        cvShowImage("prova", destImage);


     // Write to the file
     bSuccess = WriteFile(
        g_arImageplus[ uiCamera ].image.pData, 
        NULL ); 

     // End timer
     QueryPerformanceCounter( (LARGE_INTEGER*)&nEndTime );  

     // Ensure that the write was successful
     if ( !bSuccess || ( ardwBytesWritten[uiCamera] != (unsigned)iImageSize ) ) 
        printf( "Error writing to file for camera %u!\n", uiCamera );
        return -1;

     // Update various counters
     dwTotalKiloBytesWritten += (ardwBytesWritten[uiCamera] / 1024);
     nDifference = nEndTime - nStartTime;
     nTotalTime += nDifference;

     // Keep track of the difference in image sequence numbers (uiSeqNum)
     // in order to determine if any images have been missed.  A difference
     // greater than 1 indicates that an image has been missed.
         if( iImage == 0 )
        // This is the first image, set up the variables
            aruiPrevSeqNum[uiCamera] = g_arImageplus[uiCamera].uiSeqNum;
            aruiDelta[uiCamera] = 1;
        // Get the difference in sequence numbers between the current
        // image and the last image we received
            aruiDelta[uiCamera] = 
               g_arImageplus[uiCamera].uiSeqNum - aruiPrevSeqNum[uiCamera];

         if( aruiDelta[uiCamera] != 1 )
            // We have missed an image.
        bMissed = true;
            uiMissedImages += aruiDelta[uiCamera] - 1;
        bMissed = false;

         aruiPrevSeqNum[uiCamera] = g_arImageplus[uiCamera].uiSeqNum;

     // Calculate the cycle count for the camera
         aruiCycles[uiCamera] = 
            g_arImageplus[uiCamera].image.timeStamp.ulCycleSeconds * 8000 +

     // Determine the difference of the timestamp for every image from the
     // first camera.  If the difference is greater than 1 cycle count, 
     // register the camera as being out of synchronization.
     int iDeltaFrom0 = abs( (int)(aruiCycles[uiCamera] - aruiCycles[0]) );

         if( ( iDeltaFrom0 % ( 128 * 8000 - 1 ) ) > 1 )
        bOutOfSync = true;
        bOutOfSync = false;

#ifdef _VERBOSE
     // Output is in the following order:
     // - The index of the image being captured
     // - The index of the camera that is currently being captured
     // - The time taken to write the image to disk
     // - Number of kilobytes written
     // - Write speed (in MB/s)
     // - Sequence number
     // - Cycle seconds in timestamp
     // - Cycle count in timestamp
     // - Delta from 0th value
     // - Missed an image?
     // - Out of sync?
        "%04d: \t%02u\t%0.5f\t%.0lf\t%.2lf\t%04u\t%03u.%04u\t%d\t%s %s\n",
        (double)ardwBytesWritten[ uiCamera ] / 1024.0,
        (double)ardwBytesWritten[ uiCamera ] / ( 1024 * 1024 * nDifference ),
        g_arImageplus[ uiCamera ].uiSeqNum,
        g_arImageplus[ uiCamera ].image.timeStamp.ulCycleSeconds,
            g_arImageplus[ uiCamera ].image.timeStamp.ulCycleCount,
        bMissed ? "Y" : "N",
        bOutOfSync ? "Y" : "N");

      // Unlock image, handing the buffer back to the buffer pool.
      for( uiCamera = 0; uiCamera < g_uiNumCameras; uiCamera++ )
         error = flycaptureUnlock( 
            g_arContext[uiCamera], g_arImageplus[uiCamera].uiBufferIndex );
         _HANDLE_ERROR( error, "flycaptureUnlock()" );

   // Done grabbing images

   QueryPerformanceCounter( (LARGE_INTEGER*)&nGlobalEndTime );
   nGlobalTotalTime = nGlobalEndTime - nGlobalStartTime;

   double dGlobalTotalTime = (double)nGlobalTotalTime / (double)nFrequency;
   double dTotalTime = (double)nTotalTime / (double)nFrequency;

   // Report on the results
   // Burst time is the time that was spent writing to disk only
   // Overall time is total time taken, including image grabs, calculations etc
      "\nBurst: Wrote %.1lfMB in %0.2fs ( %.2lfMB/sec )\n", 
      (double)( dwTotalKiloBytesWritten / 1024 ), 
      (double)( dwTotalKiloBytesWritten / ( 1024 * dTotalTime ) ) );

      "Overall: Wrote %.1lfMB in %0.2fs ( %.2lfMB/sec )\n",
      (double)( dwTotalKiloBytesWritten / 1024 ), 
      (double)( dwTotalKiloBytesWritten / ( 1024 * dGlobalTotalTime ) ) );  

   printf( g_bSyncSuccess ? "Sync success\n" : "Sync failed\n" );
   printf( "Missed images = %u.\n", uiMissedImages );
   printf( "Out of sync images = %u.\n", uiOutOfSyncImages );

   for ( unsigned int uiCamera = 0; uiCamera < g_uiNumCameras; uiCamera++ )
      // Close file handles

   return 0;

There are 1 answers

user2289823 On

Your conversion method:

IplImage* ConvertImageToOpenCV(Image* pImage)

takes an Image pointer. Construct a new Image to pass to it from the data you have. Here's the doc for the Image class. If you use this function, it will not hold onto the buffer or copy it:

Image   (   unsigned int    rows,
            unsigned int    cols,
            unsigned int    stride,
            unsigned char*  pData,
            unsigned int    dataSize,
            PixelFormat     format,
            BayerTileFormat bayerFormat = NONE 

So your code would look something like:

// Pull these values from your other image structure
Image image(rows, cols, stride, pData, dataSize, format, bayerFormat);

// Pass the address of the temporary image to your conversion
IplImage* opencvImage = ConvertImageToOpenCV(&image);